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Showing posts from April, 2018

The Tour Must Go On!! Streaming with InfectedSun.

True Vision exclusive listening on Musicoin -- With so much good happening in light of my initial launch of the virtual stream tour, its exciting to see and feel the growth of this creatively awesome experience. As you may or may not know we started our the tour to spread the awareness of indie music, in particular my latest project with Musicoin. Being that they are a very big influence and support to indie artist my intentions were to raise awareness and create my next album using their platform. From that idea and one of my latest singles Hero's with BetaPSI I decided to team up and give an amazing experience to our supporters and fans and give light to some of the latest and early on music projects that have been produced. With that came more ideas and indie artist I've had an opportunity to work with, which me made perfect sense. As you all can see the vision continues to grow and I'm happy to have aboard InfectedSun, who we ju

Thommo Takes Off on The HERO'S STREAM TOUR!

Another exciting  week/ month ahead of us! I'm really enjoying how the stream tour has been turning out. For this month we've added another talent to the touring roster. I'm a big supporter and fan of  artist/producer's Thommo and his work! He's been busy working and collaborating with many indie artist, bringing about a creative, fun, exciting sound. The theme this week is "Let it fly". That's how we sometimes see music and life. We have to set it free and let it fly. Hopefully this tour will continue to inspire others to take chances in putting their music out their in unconventional ways. Looking forward to what's to come with Thommo, we both have some ideas in the making and this streaming tour is going to help. Adding more flavor to the experience, BetaPSI is continually pushing out songs and a few collaborations with Thommo as well. You might be wondering how exciting will this be? Well, let me allow Thommo himself to fill you in on what