Morning, Afternoon, Evening guys! So I want you all to know about this project I'm starting on #wowapp that will help a lot of indie artist out there. As you know I believe in supporting others and putting value into the things I'm out here doing. I can now say I'm a global artist because of #wowapp and I'm facilitating strong ideas and plans into action. My latest project called Global Economy Streaming is where artist can place there music for purchase and streaming on #wow to earn, sell and network within the community.
The app is designed to earn from using it, you can generate money from its use. I figured out if I show others how to earn they can create the results they want in whatever their goals are. I took this idea and I'm applying it to music. In the app you can create groups of interest like on Facebook and invite people on the app, show them how the app works and then put them into the group you've created if they have similar interest to the group.
Global Economy Streaming is based on inviting fans and artist to the app showing them how it works then putting them in this group so they can post up their streaming links like iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, and Spotify. The way I am setting it up is if you invite all your fans from your other social spaces and they join, they can earn as well. They get placed into the group where they post their links. Since I'm creating a variety of artist and fans where there will be a genre for each artist you can post in each depending on the music you prefer and the fans can purchase the music they like by earning enough coins to pay for it. Since $1.29 isn't a heck of a lot of money they can earn this easily as well as discover new music. Can also network and grow fan base as well. Its a new concept and I think it will take off the more it grows.
If you like the idea/ concept please share. If you want to be a part of this group simply click the link below. Keep in mind I'm still building the the group so the more everyone hares and networking the faster it will grow! Please share this as it will help others who may be interested find this information the same way you were able to find it. #shareeconomy #powerofsharing #socialmediaequaluty
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